I have been fighting to end marijuana prohibition since June of 2007. To some, seven and a half years seems like only a drop in the bucket against over ninety years of legal oppression. But I still offer what I have and I will continue to fight for the end of this barbaric law.
The 2nd Annual Prairie Medicinal Harvest Cup—hosted by Jeff Lundstrom and sponsored by many great vendors throughout the cannabis community—was held on October 4th through the 6th, 2012. I had been an activist for just over five years and was, as I always am, honoured to be speaking at the event. It was also my first anniversary with my husband Alvin, so he came along to Saskatoon, SK to celebrate with many of our friends from across the country while we were also educating and learning.
We set up a table and I spoke for Norml Women’s Alliance of Canada as our Alberta Rep. We are a grassroots organization of women from all walks of life and diversity from across Canada that believe that legalization is the direction our country needs to head in. Legalization would mean regulating, controlling, and providing greater legal access to adults and more awareness and control to keep it out of the hands of minors that don’t need it for recognized medical reasons.
I spoke about my believe that no one should be in jail or charged for possessing cannabis. I don’t understand the logic in prohibiting use of a natural substance that is less harmful than alcohol.
Nor do I understand why people can’t grow it or trade it—within the law—no differently than we do with vegetables. I’m a home gardener so the propaganda and overblown ‘harms’ that have been spread by fire and law enforcement are infuriating.
I spoke about patients’ needed privileges—at that time the government was preparing to take those rights away. The move was successful against some people and now patients are fighting in courts to retain or regain what they need as patients.
I also touched on voting and how important it is to engage the youth of our communities in politics. Not just to engage and educate them on our mandate, but also to make politics understandable to a disenfranchised generation. The Conservatives must go, so we encouraged people to vote ABC but we also discussed strategic voting and voting for who you feel will do the best job in your riding.
I feel very strongly about voting and the low voter turnout is very disappointing. I know that the majority of people feel their voice makes no difference so I always talk about voting and cannabis together when speaking to young cannabis consumers.
At that time we didn’t know what the parties policies were or were going to be so nothing was spoken about partisanship or which party had a pro-legalisation stance. Now, the Liberals have stated that if voted in as a majority they will legalize cannabis and the NDP is on the side of decriminalization.
Prohibition in any form is not the answer for law enforcement, as was shown through alcohol prohibition. We want what we can’t have. If marijuana is legalized in Canada, there is reason to believe use will follow that of Colorado: rising with the initial novelty before settling back as people continued their typical use. With the bonus of no longer being criminals.
Two and a half years later, after almost eight years of fighting and speaking, I’ve only just begun.